Saturday, February 28, 2015

Week 6 allen Sherman

Pic-O-Pay: type of toothpaste
Fluoristan: A preparation of stannous tin and fluoride used to fluoridate toothpaste and other dental preparations.
Hexachlorophene: a white, odorless compound used as an antibacterial agent.
Lanolin wave: a form of sweat used to have wavy hair.
Boo-boop: a bleep to block out obscenity on television.
Acrylan: a type of watch
Melmac: plastic dishes
Orlon: a brand of synthetic, acrylic textile fiber of light weight, wrinkle resistance, and resistance to weathering and many chemicals.
Korlan: fiber used in carpets
Accutron: a type of watch in which the balance wheel and hairspring aare replaced by a tuning fork kept in vibration by a tiny internal battery.
Teflon: a fluorocarbon polymer with slippery, nonsticking properties, polytetrafluoroethylene.
Ban-Lon: a brand of mulitstrand, continuous-filsment synthetic yarn modified by crimpling to increase bulk.
Blue Magic whitener: detergent
Fastback: a form of a back for an automobile body consisting of a single, unbroken convex curve from the top to the rear bumper.
Wide-Track: type of tire
Autronic Eye: advance look at where a car is turning
it goes two miles more
Nasograph: a fake tool used in the 50s to breath on.
Naugahyde: a brand of strong vinyl-coated fabric made to look like leather and used for upholstery, luggage, etc.
The giant who lives in my washing machine
jolly and green: the green giant
tiger who causes my gas tank to flood: brand of gasoline, who's logo is a tiger.
handsome white knight: a handsome white knight who comes to clean your white clothes.
man with the eyepatch: Hathaway shirts
that nut who flies into the front seat for Hertz

Saturday, February 21, 2015

EOC Week 5: Super Bowl 2015

I came across this commercial from this years Super Bowl game from Budweiser. I think it was the cutest video ever.  It was about this Farmer that had just got a new puppy and his horse and puppy grows a bond. One day the puppy sneaks into the trailer to go for a ride when he ends up getting out and got left behind. So the puppy was very smart he sniff his way home but on the way he came in contact with a wolf that scared him The horse felt that the pup was in danger so him and the other horses came to the pups rescue. I was so touching and I loved how they showed that even tho the pup was not one of there owns they still looked out for him because they loved him. I have lost a dog before and whenever that happens to people I know how the mom or dad of that animal feels. So many emotions are involved. I love the bond the two animals have.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

EOC Week 4: Role of Women in Contemporary Advertisements

To me today women in ads are either looked at in one or two ways, a sex symbol or a Diva. I see in these three ads that I have chosen to write about that most of them have some form of sex or make one think of it. Alot of the ads of todays world  ladies are naked or if they are promoting a product   the public would be blinded due to the images before our eyes.  I have here three ladies all are smiling and this could be a simple teeth cleaning or Dentist ad but because they are naked ones eyes will  not focus on what the advertisement is trying to say.  Just like the second one where the woman is incontrol where she is a working woman and will step on whomever to get to the top of her career. All while the guy is under her foot and she is in a skirt might I add first thing I thought of wow she is doing this in pants so again it ties back into sex, well that is what I get from it. And then You have Kim Kardashian with a bottle of perfume in her hands while she is looking seductive and making you think that the perfume is some type of sex symbol, and makes men and women want to go out to buy it because you can and or look sexy after you have bought or worn it. I just don't understand why everything that has a woman on it has to be on the lines of sex or saying that a women is a control freak. Women are so much more then a sex object, we are very successful individuals we own businesses, we are Doctors, Lawyers, we are the only ones that can have a child and raise them without even thinking twice. Its sad how society always want to say a man is greater than a woman when a man is not even capable to do half that a woman can and has proven she can do. I just wish women did not have to always be looked at on the lines of having little respect. But at the same time I feel like it is a double standard meaning us women cannot complain and then continue to allow the world to treat us like this WOMEN WAKE UP CHANGE STARTS WITH US, NOT A MOMENT SOONER!!!!!