Pic-O-Pay: type of toothpaste
Fluoristan: A preparation of stannous tin and fluoride used to fluoridate toothpaste and other dental preparations.
Hexachlorophene: a white, odorless compound used as an antibacterial agent.
Lanolin wave: a form of sweat used to have wavy hair.
Boo-boop: a bleep to block out obscenity on television.
Acrylan: a type of watch
Melmac: plastic dishes
Orlon: a brand of synthetic, acrylic textile fiber of light weight, wrinkle resistance, and resistance to weathering and many chemicals.
Korlan: fiber used in carpets
Accutron: a type of watch in which the balance wheel and hairspring aare replaced by a tuning fork kept in vibration by a tiny internal battery.
Teflon: a fluorocarbon polymer with slippery, nonsticking properties, polytetrafluoroethylene.
Ban-Lon: a brand of mulitstrand, continuous-filsment synthetic yarn modified by crimpling to increase bulk.
Blue Magic whitener: detergent
Fastback: a form of a back for an automobile body consisting of a single, unbroken convex curve from the top to the rear bumper.
Wide-Track: type of tire
Autronic Eye: advance look at where a car is turning
it goes two miles more
Nasograph: a fake tool used in the 50s to breath on.
Naugahyde: a brand of strong vinyl-coated fabric made to look like leather and used for upholstery, luggage, etc.
The giant who lives in my washing machine
jolly and green: the green giant
tiger who causes my gas tank to flood: brand of gasoline, who's logo is a tiger.
handsome white knight: a handsome white knight who comes to clean your white clothes.
man with the eyepatch: Hathaway shirts
that nut who flies into the front seat for Hertz